
Control Tower

Fulfilling tomorrow’s market needs

The world is becoming increasingly volatile, and for an organisation to not only position itself but drive growth, sustain competition and expand into newer territories, it becomes critical for enterprises to have the capability to predict & understand market behaviour, spending patterns & probable influencing variables, with a high degree of reliability & maturity.


Intuitive Interface

The tool features a user-friendly interface, making it simple for users to navigate, visualize data, and interpret demand forecasts effectively.

Customization Capabilities

Users can customize dashboards, reports, and visualizations to meet specific requirements, ensuring a personalized experience.

Interactive Data Visualization

It offers dynamic visual representations, allowing users to interact with data, drill down into details, and gain valuable insights.

GenXAI CT (Control Tower) APP BY GENXAI -

Outlier Correction

Automatically detect and correct outliers in demand data to improve forecasting accuracy.

Demand Analytics

Accurately predict demand trends using historical and external Causal data, enabling proactive decision-making.

Collaborative Planning

Facilitate collaboration among teams, allowing seamless communication and alignment of demand planning strategies.

Scenario Analysis

Conduct scenario-based simulations to evaluate potential market changes and their impact on demand forecasts.

Prescriptive Management Reporting

Generate comprehensive reports and visualizations to track and analyze demand performance.