
GenXAI Driven Proprietary Solutions

GenXAI - IP (Invoice Processing)

The Intelligent P2P Companion

In an environment dependent on paper-based invoice processing, accounting & disbursements, companies lose productivity, increasing incidents of late payments & penalties, mismatches in PO & Invoice details, error prone reconciliations thereby resulting in ineffective man day utilisation, working capital challenges & poor supplier relationships.

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GenXAI - CT (Control Tower)

The world is becoming increasingly volatile, and for an organisation to not only position itself but drive growth, sustain competition and expand into newer territories, it becomes critical for enterprises to have the capability to predict & understand market behaviour, spending patterns & probable influencing variables, with a high degree of reliability & maturity.

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GenXAI - MA (Marketing Analytics)

Coming Soon

GenXAI – IA (Incentive Analytics)

Coming Soon

GenXAI - WCA (Working Capital Analytics)

Coming Soon

GenXAI - IRM (Intercompany Reconciliation Management)

Coming Soon

GenXAI - PPA (Predictive PnL Analytics)

Coming Soon

GenXAI - FDM (Financial Disclosure Management)

Coming Soon